Tuesday, October 7, 2008

5 Most Anticipated Films

So the Oscar season is getting underway. It is now October and there have only been a few standout's--"Cloverfield," "Wall-E," and "The Dark Knight." Besides Heath Ledger's performance there have been few performances that will make it through the Oscar season. Anyways, I would like to list my top 5 most anticipated films for the rest of the year (I'm only including films that have released trailers.).

5. "Australia"- I loved the recent trailer that was released for this film. I think Nicole Kidman can get nominated again, but it is going to be tough because she is facing stiff competition. The first trailer for this film was very underwhelming, in my opinion so I am still a little skeptical. However, if it lives up to the new trailer, this could be something truly remarkable and epic.

4."Revolutionary Road"-The trailer for the film was good. It showed that this film has potential. I personally am rooting for it, but I wasn't sure how I felt about Kate Winslet in the preview. She seemed to be somewhat off. Still, it was a well-made trailer that has me intrigued. I want this film to do well, and I just hope it can deliver.

3. "Doubt"-I loved the music in this trailer, and the performances appear powerful. I think this will be one of those slow-paced, methodical dramas that really get you thinking.The feeling I got from the trailer reminded me a lot of the vibe I got after watching "A History of Violence." If it comes close to this, then "Doubt" could be one of the best films of the year.

2. "Rachel Getting Married"-The trailer for this film was amazing. I think the performances are going to be absolutely phenomenol, and I am glad that I went with my gut and included Anne Hathaway in my predictions in the beginning of the year. I think the film may be a little cliched, but it should be powerful nonetheless. This has all the potential of becoming my favorite indie of the year.

1."The Curious Case of Benjamin Button"- This film looks magical. I think it will be an enchanting experience that will leave audiences gasping for breath. If anyone can pull this film off it's definitely Fincher. My only concern is that I heard they have moved the time period up, and they actually show up to modern times during Hurricane Katrina. The trailer gave me this period piece feel, and I don't know how that is going to contrast with that. It could wind up being really good or disasterous. We'll find out in December.

Other noteworthies: "The City of Ember," "The Road," "Milk," "The Time Traveler's Wife", and "Twilight"

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