Thursday, October 25, 2007

My Day.

My day started off well enough. Today is Thursday, and my first class does not start until 9:40 so I got to sleep in somewhat. My first class is Oral Communication, and this entire week people are giving speeches. I went on Tuesday, so the only thing I have to do in that class is comment on my peers' speeches.

In Introduction to Film today we got our midterm tests back. I was really nervous because I thought I had bombed that test. I am a film major so I figured I couldn't do too bad on it. When we finished taking the midterm I just knew that I did horrible, and I was wondering why I was a film major. I told my friends that I came here to major in film and if I'm not good at that I might as well go back to Louisiana where I could get in-state tuition. As it turns out I got a B on the test. That made my day. I was so excited. There weren't very many B's; most people received F's. In class that day Professor Auguiste went over the material that we did not know, and I quickly grasped the concepts that I did not understand. I asked him questions, and I seemed to know what I was talking about. Introduction to Film is a class that really interests me, and film is a medium that I understand. It's nice to have a class in which I know and care what I am learning about. It gives me confidence, making me believe that I can actually make it in the film industry, no matter the difficulties.

After class, I went to work in which I did nothing. On my way to my dorm I checked my mail. Now, about two weeks ago I had signed up to receive passes for a screening of "Reservation Road," a movie that was my most anticaipated film in the beginning of the year. I have been religiously checking my mail everyday for the past week and a half. Today, I happened to get the pass. This is good news, right? NO! The screening was for yesterday. I was so excited to see this movie, and now it looks like I am going to have to wait a few more weeks to see it. Plus, I am going to have to pay for it. Malco tentatively has it scheduled to open up there November 9, but with its poor boxoffice in-take, I am not sure if that is going to come here.

So right now I am pretty pissed. Hopefully, the great day that I was having earlier will reappear. Maybe the thought of going back home tomorrow to pick up my Mac will make things better. Who knows? I'm going to eat.

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