Wednesday, October 31, 2007


It seems to be getting down to crunch time at the University of Memphis. I've been staying up late, willing myself to get my work done. The assignments just seem to be piling up, and there is no end in sight. I keep praying for it to stop, and hopefully it will come to an end soon.

Right now I am working on my Humanities paper, and I am completely lost. I have to discuss the American perceptions, ideologies, and myths in establishing leadership over American citizens and foreign nations. When I first read the assignment I quickly closed the application and did not bother looking at it again for a week. It all sounded like a bunch of gibberish to me, and my brain could not take the plethora of information. It would not be so bad if I only had to explain these concepts, but I have to relate them to two movies that we have watched in class as well as try to use as many of the readings that we have done this semester to support my thesis. I have a general idea about what I want to discuss; it is just hard trying to incorporate the films in them. I could briefly mention the films, but I think that the ideas that the films present are supposed to serve as the major foundations of our essays. Well, this paper is due in a week, and I hope I can get it done without sounding too stupid.

I also have a paper deadline coming up in my History class. The topic that I am writing about is the Salem Witch Trials. I have begun to research information on this topic, but I have yet to decide how I want to narrow it. I have come up with two ideas, but I am not sure how much I like them. I could either write about four of the accused people or I could look at the causes of the Salem Witch Trials. I just want to make sure that my paper is not boring. I have an A in the class, and the paper is worth two test grades. I do not want to lose everything that I have worked for.

In my learning community we also have this humongous group paer due in a month. It is a combination of our fourth speech and paper. We each have to talk about a problem in our chosen semester topics and present a solution. It wouldn't be so bad, but the final group paper is supposed to be anywhere from 40-48 pages. That seems like a lot, and I hope my group can manage it. I guess we will find out soon enough.

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