Wednesday, October 10, 2007


My eyelids keep closing but I'm willing them to stay open. My body wants to sleep but my mind tells me that I cannot. All I want to do is fall asleep in my bed, even if it is a crappy dorm bed. Right now I am frantically trying to get all my work done so I can leave tomorrow night (technically tonight).

I've been eagerly anticipating going home, and I want to leave early, but as the minutes fly by that dream does not look like a reality. There is just too much that I have to do. I just finished studying for an Introduction to Film midterm; I still have to finish the paper in that class. I also had some readings to do in Humanities. I don't even feel like typing this journal, but I need one more entry before I can turn it in.

I'm going to try to wake up early in the morning to get some extra work done. I just feel like I have this neverending, insurmountable amount of work, and all I want to do is go home.

I really don't feel like it, but over my fall break, I am going to have to play catch up to get on top of all my work. Fall break is supposed to be a break, but apparently some people don't understand that concept. I live in Louisiana so when I go home I want to actually enjoy my trip. I have people to see and things to do.

Well I think I am going to go to bed finally. I still have to wake up early to try to get some of this work done. I wish I could go into hibernation and never wake up. Just chill in sleep, permament nap time. That would be amazing. But I guess if that happened I would be dead, so that kind of sucks. I'll just manage this work load, and it better pay off in the future.

1 comment:

Milady said...

yeah...That is understood... Im a student myself... I never sleep more than 3 or 4 hour a day... =(

Anyway, I just happened to clicked on something which has brought me to your blog.. =) Nice to meet you steven...