Thursday, November 29, 2007

My Group

So the end of the semester is here, and it is now crunch time. I am starting to stress out with all the work, but I am trying not to let it overwhelm me. My group seems to be making progress in our presentations. In the beginning, I was worried about Farrah's attendance and Michelle being sick, but they have since improved. I do have to help Farrah with her paper, though. I read her paper, and it seemed clear that she had never heard of MLA format. I don't want to be mean, but structurally, her paper was a mess. It seems like I don't have enough time to fix her paper while also adding all the stuff to mine that I need. I haven't really looked at Barbara's or Michelle's. I remember proofreading Michelle's, and I know she needs to fix a few things. Barbara's also had plenty of grammatical mistakes, but those are easier to fix that Farrah's formatting ones. My main concern now is Scarlett. In the beginning, she was doing great. She attended all the meetings, and she had really shown a drive to succeed and help. Now that is not there. She isn't even there. She has missed the last few meetings and has admitted how behind she is. That's nice, but where does that leave her group members? This is a group effort and everyone has to pull their weight. Right now, I could care less if she doesn't turn in an English paper. I doubt she will since she hasn't even turned in the last assigned paper. I do, however, want her their for the Oral Communication presentation. I am really proud of what our group has been working on for our presentation, and I want everyone their to present it. Also, we are doing a narrative, and Scarlett's part is very interesting. I would hate to have to take her part out. I wonder if we could leave her narration in, have someone else say it, skip her speech, and then just move into the next portion of it? I doubt we will get approval for that though because it stops the "fluidity" of our presentation. Well, I just hope this goes over well.

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