Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Thanksgiving Holidays

I think I just had the worst Thanksgiving break ever. I just don't see how any other Thanksgiving break can top the horribleness of this one. It is just not possible. I went home to Louisiana to see my family. Thanksgiving Day was fine. I hung out with my family and had a nice dinner. The food was good; definitely better than the dorm food I eat everyday. That night my brother and I drove to Baton Rouge because we were going to the LSU game on Friday. Before going to his apartment we stopped at the Rave to see a movie. Michael refused to see the movie I wanted to see, "No Country for Old Men," so he went to see "The Mist." This, however, is not where the trouble begins. I just figured I mention the last remaining positive highlight of my trip.

Friday morning Michael and I woke up and went to Target to see some of the Black Friday specials. I ended up buying a few DVDs: "Planet Terror," "Death Proof," "Smoking Aces," "Borat," and "Sex, Lies, and Videotape." On the way home we were stuck in ridiculous game day traffic. We seriously sat on the interstate for a good 45 minutes to get to our exit when it should have taken 5-10. When we got off the exit contraflow, rerouting traffic which apparently is supposed to help traffic, was in effect. Because of the way it was organized though, my brother and I could not get back to the apartment where the tickets were. We ended up having to park near the stadium, walk 40 minutes to his apartment to get the tickets, and then trek back to get to the game. The game was fun, but LSU lost. When the hell does that happen? It just doesn't. I swear the only times I go to the game is when LSU freaking loses. Remember when they won the National Championship a few year back and only lost one game? Well that one game was the only game I went to. I must be a curse.

LSU wasn't the only team I liked that lost that weekend. My high school football team got eliminated from the playoffs. They had made it the furthest in school history, and the previous week they even upset the number 2 team (we were 18). On Saturday, my parents, my brother, and I went out to eat. When I got back home I settled down to watch the Kansas/Missouri game. Kansas, the team I was rooting for, lost.

That wasn't even the worst part of the game. Before the game had started I was feeling sick. My brother had complained of feeling sick earlier in the day. He called me from his girlfriend's house later saying that he was on his way home because he had thrown up. That night I also started throwing up. I HATE throwing up. It's disgusting. I was blowing chunks out of my nose....I'm not going to go into anymore detail. My mom and dad brought us to the hospital on Sunday to be looked at. Apparently we both had a stomach virus that was going around. We also had to be hooked to an IV because we were dehydrated. I couldn't even drive home that day. I had to wait until Monday to get back to school and miss class.

I am still not feeling that great. I can't even eat real food. My diet over that past few days has consisted of watered down gatorade, saltines (with peanut butter if I want to be daring), and soup. Yeah, so that was my holiday. This was a lot longer than I expected, and I still have a ton of work to finish. Wow! My life sucks!

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