Tuesday, September 18, 2007

"Good Luck Chuck" (*1/2)

I wasn't expecting much from this movie at all. After the first twenty minutes I was shocked. I thought to myself, "Hey this is pretty funny." Sure it had its problems, but it provided many laughs. Then not soon after I started to like it, the movie I expected showed up.

Basically, the story follows Chuck whose girlfriends have gone on to marry their next boyfriends after dating him. Girls are lining up to screw Chuck, but he has fallen for a klutzy girl that he has met at a wedding. He pursues her and they eventually start dating, but Chuck is afraid to sleep with her because this girl is the one. Finally, after thinking he is not cursed he sleeps with her. Up until this part the film is good; it provides plenty of laughs and keeps your attention. After this point in the film, the movie just collapses. It becomes a silly gimmick that isn't remotely funny. I lost interest and stopped caring about what was going to happen. The movie was predictable, but the laughs kept it watchable. When the laughs disappeared, so did my interest.

There is not much to day about the acting here, nothing special. Jessica Alba sounds like a little girl, which I guess is attractive to some people. Dane Cook is decent. I'm surprised because I never saw him as an actor. I would like to see him do more roles like his in "Mr. Brooks," show some range.

Also, viewers should take note that this movie is rated R, and it is very deserving of its rating. I could have done without seeing some of the sexual positions they showed, no matter if they were funny or not. There is a lot of unnecessary nudity too. I don't mind nudity in films like "Babel" when I think it serves a purpose, but this film could have gotten its point across without the nudity, earning the film a PG-13 rating, and making it more accesible to a wider audience.

Overall, "Good Luck Chuck" is a cliched romatic comedy that shows potential in the beginng but quickly flounders.

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